I found this clip recently while going through some old things. In the few discussions john and I had over the years about Joe Jackson, none were very positive. Now, I know why.
Per the clip in Trouser Press, March 1980 (actual clip on left):
“We always like a good slugfest in print and there’s one on between Joe Jackson and the Records. In The New Musical Express of December 15, Jackson was quoted as saying, “I personally feel more in common with what [The Clash] are doing than with Bram Tchaikovsky or the Records, who are about the most boring band I’ve ever heard.”
In a letter to the editor two weeks later, the Records’ Will Birch and John Wicks countered, “Whilst the Clash remain true to their ideals and therefore meet with resistance from many US radio stations, Joe, on the other hand, woos his followers with a selection of easy-on-the-ears Steve Miller rewrites. But it’s different for Joe whose rhesus-like stage posturing and token aggression clearly place him in the vanguard of British ‘new wave.’”
Well played.
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